Dental Procedure



Dr. Francisco utilizes the latest dental technology to bring state of the art dental crowns directly to you. Crowns are used to cover a damaged tooth when fillings alone won’t do the job. They help restore a tooth’s size, shape, appearance and strength. They typically are cared for in the same manner as your natural teeth and are constructed of metals, porcelain, ceramics and / or resins.

Transform Your Smile

Dental crowns are designed to blend in with your natural teeth. They are made with the goal of to match the shape, color, and size of the tooth being restored. Patients typically won’t be able to tell the difference between their natural tooth and a tooth covered with a crown. In addition to placing our own crowns, Dr. Francisco takes pride in replacing old, unstable or noticeable metal crowns with fantastic looking porcelain restorations.

Dental Crown Benefits

  • Strengthen Weak or Damaged Teeth
  • Protect a Tooth from Further Damage and Decay
  • Hold Together a Tooth That is Cracked
  • Restore a Tooth Post a Root Canal
  • Provide Support for a Dental Bridge
  • Fill in Small Spaces Between Teeth
  • Improve the Appearance of Discolored Teeth
Dental Crown Icon showing crown sliding over tooth.

What Can I Expect?

Following the use of a local numbing agent during your first visit for the crown, Dr. Francisco will reduce the size of your tooth so that the new crown can fit over it and sit properly in your mouth.

After preparing the tooth for the crown, a dental mold will be taken and sent to a dental lab for fabrication of the final crown. A temporary crown can be placed on the tooth until the permanent dental crown is available.

During your second visit, Dr. Francisco will verify the fit of the new crown. Once the fit and placement have been determined and verified, Dr. Francisco will use a special dental cement to permanently bond the new crown to the tooth. One final check for fit and placement is completed prior to the end of the appointment.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

After proper placement of the crowns, if you care for and maintain them properly, they can last anywhere between 5 and 15 years. There have been multiple cases where crowns have lasted between 20 and 30 years. Those were typically properly placed crowns made of quality materials and cared for properly over their lifespan.

Can we help with any further questions?

We’d love to speak with you more about your aesthetic surgery interest!