Dental Procedure



Some patients who decide against, or are not candidates for dental implants, require dental appliances, like dentures, that will restore function and appearance. In this case, we will record initial measurements of jaw position and make impressions of the upper and lower ridge forms. This will allow us to take special care when it comes to making these appliances to ensure proper fit and comfort.

Fixed Partials, Dentures and Bridges

Fixed partials, dentures and bridges start with a proper diagnosis from Dr. Francisco. Dr. Francisco will perform a thorough oral exam, evaluate x-rays, and make diagnostic casts of your teeth in order to properly identify your denture needs. He will also take the time to discuss your personal preferences as you both determine the best solution for you.

There are many options available for patients with missing teeth when it comes to replacing those teeth. The health and spacing of your remaining teeth will help Dr. Francisco determine if a fixed partial, denture, or bridge is the optimal solution.

Icon of Dentures sparkling.

Dental Bridge Considerations

Bridges replace one or multiple missing teeth and are attached to the remaining teeth. The abutment teeth, the teeth the bridge will be attached to, need to be periodontally healthy, at the proper angle, and strong enough to withstand the forces applied by chewing.

Placement of Fixed Dental Bridge Applied

The abutment teeth that will support the fixed dental bridge are prepared during the first appointment with Dr. Francisco. The teeth that will serve as abutments are reduced and shaped to accommodate the abutment crowns. Our dental laboratory will later fabricate the underlying metal substructure of the fixed bridge by utilizing an impression of these teeth that will be taken by Dr. Francisco’s staff during this appointment.

A temporary resin bridge is made chairside during the first visit. This will cover the abutment teeth and include replacement teeth for those that are missing.

During the second visit, the patient will try on the metal substructure to ensure a proper fit and color for the final bridge will be selected. Also during this visit, Dr. Francisco’s staff will make another impression to capture the patient’s bite.

The final impression is sent to the lab where the porcelain and metal framework are fabricated together to create the final bridge. The new porcelain teeth are made to match the existing teeth in both shape and color.

At the third visit, the new final bridge is tried on, bite adjustments are made, and then the bridge is cemented into the patient’s mouth. These fixed bridges do require extra maintenance since flossing is more challenging between the abutment and fabricated teeth. Routine dental care is paramount in order to extend the lifespan of the bridge as far into the future as possible.

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